

Digital Inclusion

Conceptualized and delivered the ‘Return to Learning’ course; a training course for digital and self-leadership skills for vulnerable communities (ethnic minority groups, elderly, lone parents, asylum seekers) to help them return to education and employment.

Managed the design and delivery of the first Community Digital Inclusion Week, aiming at addressing the digital divide in Ireland, by inviting community education providers to achieve the EU target of 80% of adults with digital skills by 2030.

Social Inclusion

Conceptualized and delivered employability workshops for long-term unemployed women

Conceptualized and facilitated wellbeing workshops for vulnerable groups

Social Entrepreneurship

Graduated from Social Entrepreneurs’ Ideas Academy 2021 with ‘Marika’ project aiming at offering free career coaching to domestic violence survivors.

Conceptualized and implemented a coaching and mentoring program for social entrepreneurs in Ghana and Senegal.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Conceptualised and delivered a Domestic Violence awareness workshop with Deloitte Greece

What participants say about our collaboration

Marina made me believe in myself again when I had lost every hope. With her intuitive coaching and meditations, I managed to stand on my feet and got a job after 15 years! I am over the moon!

Mary Conroy
Domestic violence survivor

In the 3 months Marina has coached Beautiful Soul social entrepreneurs – myself included, one of us made the life changing decision she wanted to make for a long time and I am on track in developing me and my venture. Through skilful questioning, challenge and support, Marina helps you develop and unleash your resourcefulness. A priceless gift!

Patricia Sennequier
Managing Partner Beautiful Soul